Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm back and still boring!

So it's been forever since I posted last only a few things have changed(mainly my hair). Phillip is still doing good in school, still has his 4.0, his graduation will be August 7th with his last day of class on September 15th(wierd I know). I'm still looking for a job. I did work as a hair model the past couple of days, I'll post the pics, so I got a free hair cut. They took around 5-6 inches off :( I miss my hair but I really needed to have the dead ends cut off.


Mom's in the hospital waiting to find out if she can have the surgery done to fix her stomach. Luckily she found a doctor who's willing to figure out how to fix her. Dad's still working at Wal-Mart and still hates it(surprise there). That's it for now since I lead such a boring life...lol.

Just a lil something to make ya laugh...